Saturday, September 24, 2022

Raspi-4 Lightweight Custom Linux with AWS IoT Device SDK demo

This blog explains 6 simple steps to have a running AWS-IoT-Device-Sdk Demo in few minutes.

  1. Download sdcard-pi4-aws-iot-demo.img.xz (image size is just under 25MB)
  2. Write sdcard-pi4-aws-iot-demo.img.xz to sdcard using Balena-Etcher-Application
  3. After writing the sdcard image, un-plug/re-plug the sdcard to see the boot partition on your windows PC(e.g D or E drive)
  4. Open aws-iot-pubsub-agent.conf using text editor and set your endpoint(see picture below).
  5. Copy aws-console generated iot certificates to boot partition of the sdcard(e.g xyz-certificate.pem and xyz-private.pem.key)
  6. Insert the sdcard in rpi-4 hw and power-ON, after boot, aws-iot-pubsub-agent binary would start publishing the custom message to your AWS-IoT-Core.

Following image shows the steps 4/5/6 in detail,